For Immediate Release:

Friday, October 22, 2021

Frankfort School District to Hold Regular Meeting on October 25

      As posted in the regular schedule for the year that was approved on December 21, 2020, the monthly Regular Meeting of the Frankfort CUSD #168 Board of Education will be held on Monday, October 25, 2021, at 6 p.m. in the Library at Central Junior High School, located at 1600 East Ninth Street in West Frankfort.  With respect to IDPH and ISBE requirements for schools, social distancing and the wearing of face coverings will be required for anyone who may attend the meeting.

      The agenda can be found at the district’s website at

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 Frankfort Community Unit School District #168

 Monday, October 25, 2021 – 6:00 pm

Central Junior High School – Library

1600 East Ninth Street – West Frankfort, Illinois


 I.   Call to Order, Roll Call, and Establishment of Quorum:

II.   Educational Spotlight:

III.   Hearing of Delegates or Visitors and Public Comments:

IV.   Approval of Minutes – The Open and Closed Sessions of the September 20, 2021; Regular Meeting, the September 23, 2021; Special Meeting, and the Open Session of the September 20, 2021, Budget Hearing: (A)

V.    Approval of Bills and Financial Reports: (A)

VI.  Reports:

VII.  Old Business:

VIII.   ­New Business:

A.  Business and Operations Proposals and Agreements:

  1. Consideration of Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 50 for District Cooks. (A)
  2. Consideration of Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 50 for District Custodians. (A)
  3. Consideration of Ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 50 for District Secretaries. (A)
  4. Consideration of Student Teacher and Clinical Experiences Affiliation Agreement between Frankfort CUSD #168 and Eastern Illinois University. (A)
  5. Consideration of Resolution Between the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS) and Frankfort CUSD #168 Authorizing Acceptance of an Employer Voluntary Participation Agreement in a Supplemental Savings Plan. (A)
  6. Consideration of an Agreement between Select Physical Therapy and Frankfort CUSD #168 for Athletic Training Services. (A)

B. Facilities:

  1. Update RE: Renovation Planning and Maintenance Work for Central Junior High School. (A)
  2. Update RE: Renovation Planning and Maintenance Work Projects at Denning Elementary School. (A)
  3. Update RE: Programming Study for Master Planning of Future Potential Renovation, Addition, and Construction of Frankfort Community High School Facilities. (A)

C. Miscellaneous:

D. Possible Closed Session: (A)

E. Personnel:

  1. Acceptance of Letter(s) of Resignation / Retirement. (A)
  2. Employ Professional Educator Licensed Employee – Behavior Interventionist at FCHS. (A)
  3. Employ Food Service Coordinator / Director with Accounts Payable and Human Resources Responsibilities. (A)
  4. Employ Para-Professional Educator Licensed Employee – Program – 6.5 Hours Early Childhood at DES. (A)
  5. Employ Para-Professional Educator Licensed Employee – EOC – 7.0 Hours at DES. (A)
  6. Approval of 2021-2022 Fall, Winter, and Spring Sports Coaches for FCHS/CJHS. (A)
    1. Consideration of Employment of Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach at FCHS. (A)
    2. Approval of (a) Volunteer Coaching Position(s) and Personnel for 2021-2022. (A)
  7. Authorization to Post / Advertise Position(s). (A)

IX.  Board Member Comments:

X.   Adjournment: (A)